Monday, July 26, 2010

how is it, takin care of someone you love...

the day before sunday.. it was really hot that afternoon, i see my girl off to her house. When i ride the jeepney for me to go home, i really felt dizzy and uncomf'table.. but still i just ignored it. 7` in the evening, i had my dinner alone, thinkin' some things about my life. 9pm till 2am in the morning i was surfin the net (facebook). My girl & i talked about cool stuffs that night, then suddenly i just felt sleepy and go to bed, 3am i felt the coldness in my body, well i think i am just feverish. But hell`no! maybe i was just tired. SundayBold: i wasn't able to attend mass, still in ill then. I tried to text my dad for me to buy medicine, and amazingly he bought me medz & mcdo meal. :)
i thought after drinking my medicine, everything wil be alright. 2am-monday, i am freakin' burnin. my fever temperature are high. i was freezing cold. but then i still have to fight for what am i feelin' that morning, coz' nobody's gonna look after me. my parents had a vacation in zambales for three weeks. 8am-monday, i communicate with my girl. i told her i was freakin' hot and my head is aching. but then, she had classes so i have to wait for her. she' arrived 3pm' something.. she knocked on the door; i opened the door like a guy who cant even fight with a kiddo. i had to go to bed immediately because of my dizzyness. My girl touched my head and arms, and terrified of my body temperature. like jacob said in the twilight: Eclipse "i am hotter than you'' .
She touched me over and over again, worried about my illness.
time passes by, i am still lying down my bed with my girl, complaining about my headache.
afterwards, she went out to buy medicine for me like my daddy did to me last sunday night.
i took the medicine and talked to my girl for a while and watched her draw for my sister's design for the personalized shirt, which is our online Business. Then she told me to lay down again and rest. while lying down on my bed, i asked her to massage my back, funny though she' dont know how to massage, So i demonstrated it to her. :) i know she is trying her best to make me feel better on her "make me feel better massage thing" haha! until i told her to stop to and lay down beside me. *sweet.
But then, i realized that she really loves me. cares for me.
i felt the warm hug and warm energy kiss. until i fell asleep beside her, kissing and hugging me.
until i woke up, i still felt the warm hug that she gives me. i told to myself that i wont ever ever leave her. ever. ever. and ever. and.... ever. and...okay ill stop lol.
imagine, she stayed and took care of me for the rest of her time, although she had to go home early. i felt a bit sad in a way, i am goin to be home alone again. but in a brighter way, i know my Girl and I will gonna see each other the following day. 6pm- i tried to clean all the messy stuffs on my crib. 8pm- i bought food for me to eat. but then, we haven't spend our time to text. She was doing something and I do too. The fact that i missed her so much, i was still sending her a message. the point of view in this story was.. you have to cherish everything you had with your Girl. Love Ones.
It was amazingly undefined happiness, when she hugged me while im freezing in bed.
for now, this is one of my greatest part; ever happened in my entire life.
i am so blessed to have a love one like her. And her name is DONNA.
donna the kiddo.
donna the stubborn one.
donna the spoiled one.
whatever they say.. whatever i see... whatever you think about her..
she is the only person i ever loved like this today. she is DONNA.

So, how is it, takin care of someone you love?....

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